{Late} Heritage Heroes
I totally forgot to post a Heritage Heroes post yesterday, but wanted to stay consistant with these posts. I am posting a very funny, yet interesting story about my great-great-great grandpa Allen. Orville Morgan Allen was a very colorful, strong man. He was passionate about the gospel and it showed. He was once one of Joseph Smith's bodyguards and he also was a Captain of one of the company's of Saints that left Nauvoo in the Exodus to Salt Lake. He was the Captain over the company of saints that experienced the Miracle of the Quails (this story is a lot like the story of Manna from the Old Testatment, very cool!. I am going to post one of his journal entries from their exodus together. You will get a little snippet of his personality from this entry. Enjoy:
Here is the story:
Sunday, 25th (Oct 1846)
Encamped on the west side of Soap Creek. I was superintending the brethren in their several duties all day. About 4 o'clock in the evening, a man was purchasing our goods and would pay in corn; amongst other articles traded away, SIster Savary let Bishop Knight have six plates which he sold to the man for 48 cents. Brother Savary at this time returning from hunting his cattle and finding that the plates were gone, commenced abusing his wife with his tongue. After considerable talk, she told him to "go and get them again then." He went to Bishop Knight and demanded them when the stranger said "if I cannot have the plates, I will , I won 't have anything." and went away. Knight went after him and succeeded in making a trade with him and getting the corn. Knight told me of the circumstances, and I went with him to talk to Savary upon the folly of his conduct when Savary daid, " I would not take six bits for my plates; I thought more of those plates than anything I have." Said I, "Savary, then you think more of those plates than you do of your wife." He replied, "I did." I then said, "I will give you a dollar for your wife." He agreed. I then offered him a dollar, he said "Give it to my woman." I did so, she accepted it. I then went for the clerk to make out the necessary writings, when we got to Savcary's wagon, he said, "I will not sign any paper, I consider I am an honorable man and my word is my bond." I asked him if he repented of his bargain, he replied "No." I then went to the wagon and began conversing with Sister Savarfy when he came up and said, "You have no business talking with my woman." I replied, "You have no woman, you have sold her;I bought her and shall claim her in time and eternity." Savary then ordered me away several times and became very abusive in his language to me and to prove the above, call George B. Gardiner, Solomon Wixom, Thomas Bullock, Stephen Perry, and Jesse P. Harmon.
I found this story in his ancestory file while I was in Nauvoo last year. This story makes me giggle.
you have the neatest family history woman.. i could listen to you tell stories all day.. so cool..
i love your family picture flash back. and don't feel bad about the hair, everyone has those pictures. except me of course! :) and you're totally insane to make v-day cards. something i will never even think about attempting. so,YOU GO!
Eva, your blog is so cute. I loved looking at everything.
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